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Activity Tracker for Peerfit

Peerfit is a digital health platform that allows users to book fitness classes and purchase memberships at studios and gyms using credits provided by their employers.


The project aimed to increase user engagement by providing users with fitness data from their workouts through Peerfit. Our hypothesis was that an activity tracking feature would help motivate users to stay active and hit personal goals. Both Apple and Google offered ways to track fitness data and import it into the Peerfit apps. To start we focused on using Apple's Healthkit integration to develop a Beta test for this feature.


The team on this project included three iOS developers, a product designer as well as myself as a project manager and lead product designer. 

Platform: Apple Watch App and iOS App

Role: Lead Product Designer


UX Research

Together with the lead iOS engineer, we researched Apple Healthkit, a repository for health and fitness data on the iPhone and Apple Watch. We learned what the capabilities were and what activity tags Healthkit uses for its recorded fitness data and how we could apply those to our tagging system. 


I also conducted competitive research and user research. It was important to understand how other apps were integrating with Healthkit to identify opportunities for us to differentiate ourselves from other activity tracking apps. Equally important was learning what our users would need/want from an activity tracking feature. I created a survey to send to our users in order to learn what fitness data would be most useful to them. I followed this survey up with a few short 10-minute interviews to gain more insight into user's fitness goals and how a fitness tracker could help with goal tracking.


From this research, I learned that the most common goals for our users had to do with the number times they worked out each week (e.g. at least 3 times per week) or the number of calories burned. calories burned and active time were the most important fitness data we could provide based on the survey data we received. With that information, I decided that for MVP we'd focus on heart rate, calories burned, and active time. 

User Flows & Mocks

Using insights from our initial research, I began mapping out user flows to include all the touchpoints in the experience and account for the different use cases. These flows included the Apple Watch and iPhone app experiences.


After mapping out the key user flows, I collaborated with another product designer to design all the screens and create prototypes for the full experience.


As lead designer, I focused primarily on the iPhone mocks, facilitating feedback sessions with the team, and creating a testing plan for the Beta build.

Apple Watch Design by Gaby Mendez

watch 1.png

iPhone Mocks

As I worked on the mocks for the iPhone experience I had to consider three different uses cases and what the MVP should be for the Beta test.

In the MVP version, users had to track their workouts using the Peerfit Apple Watch app in order to show fitness data in the phone app. To ensure users used the Peerfit Apple Watch to track their class workout I decided we needed a notification to trigger 5 minutes before the user's fitness class to remind them to track their workout on the Peerfit Apple Watch app.


After a user had recorded their activity on the Peerfit Apple Watch they could then go view this data in the new activity tab in the iPhone app. On the new activity tab screen, we had to support three use cases: a user without an Apple Watch, a user with an Apple Watch that had not allowed Healthkit permission, and a user with an Apple Watch who granted Healthkit permission (examples shown on the left.) 

Beta Testing

Phase One of Testing


For phase one of the Beta test, I recruited ten internal users within Peerfit to spend two weeks using the feature. These testers were people who worked out on a weekly basis and excluded people in the product department. The goal was to identify pain points, find bugs, and gain insight into areas for improvement in the user experience.





  • Users did not use the Peerfit watch app to track their workout activity which caused confusion when they tried to view their activity on the phone app

  • Users who did track their activity successfully wanted to share their stats on social media/with friends



Next Steps 


With these results, the team decided for the external test we needed to add a way to pull in recorded fitness data from Peerfit classes without users needing to use Peerfit's Apple Watch app. This would ease the burden of requiring a user to remember to use the Peerfit Watch App to record activity. Next, I designed a solution allowing users to share their completed workout activity on social media.

Phase Two of Testing


After making improvements from the insights discovered in the first Beta test we launch our second Beta test with four external users who regularly worked out. At the end of the two week testing period, participants were asked to fill out a survey and answer questions about their experience using the activity tracking feature.





  • Users wanted some more guidance/details about the feature when they first started

  • Users liked being able to see their total for calories burned

  • There were a few bugs some users were experiencing 


Next Steps


The team decided to add a "What's New" screen to introduce the feature as well as details about how a user's data would be stored and used with this new feature. Once we implemented these changes we did a final round of internal Beta testing to ensure all bugs were fixed and everything was working as expected before launching this feature on iOS.

opening screen.png

Design for this screen by Gaby Mendez


Final Product

The Activity Tracker feature was launched in July 2020 for iOS users. The screens on the left are the ones we added for the final release of the activity tracking feature. 

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